Welcome to Pennsylvania’s Best Resource for Parent and Family Engagement!
The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) created the Title I State Parent Advisory Council (SPAC) in 1990. SPAC includes parents of children participating in Title I. The purpose of this council is to share ideas with the Division of Federal Programs about involving Title I parents to increase student achievement. SPAC parents advise PDE on many aspects of Parent and Family Engagement-from working with children at home to developing partnerships among parents, teachers, administrators, and community leaders to create effective and engaging parent involvement programs.
SPAC Has Three Main Goals:
• To give parents the skills and knowledge to become advocates for Title I children.
• To distribute information and share ideas that will increase parent participation in Title I programs.
• To identify successful parent involvement programs that can become models for schools with limited parent involvement.
SPAC accomplishes these goals through these major activities:
• An annual Title I parent training conference.
• A statewide parent resource center.
• Visits to Title I schools that request assistance in increasing parent involvement.
Please use the form below to request a technical assistance visit.